Day 25 – IAT Mile 413.2 to 431.8

We made short work of the last few Kettlebowl miles this morning and began the long road walk into Polar where we would resupply on water and take a proper long lunch break.  A man in a Razor stopped us on the way into town and asked how the Lumbercamp trails were after the storms, any intel would be valuable as he is one of the main caretakers.  I thought we were dropping some bad news on him, as that was one of the worst areas we have past through, but he didn’t seem to think they were that bad, even after he saw the pictures.  I’m sure he knows more than I do, have at it, sir!

Polar is a small town sat on big water, Lake Mueller.  Except for the bathrooms, which were so nasty I do not have the ability to write about them in polite company, Polar Park was very well groomed with a clean little patch of sandy beach.  There is upper polar park, in the shade of many trees where we had lunch, and there is lower polar park where the beach, public docks and all the other people were.  Brianna & I decided it would be a hot lunch kind of day, so she heated water for our ramen and salmon while I put the tent up to dry.  Because of dew, drying the tent out is a daily affair even when it hasn’t stormed during the night.

The remainder of our day was pretty uneventful.  We road walked into the Langlade County RV park, our home for $10 a night, with showers, water, electricity and trash!  The park is next to a baseball diamond and was especially busy because of a local tournament that was happening.  No matter to us, we resupplied at the local super market and ordered cheeseburger pizza for dinner.  It’s not a quiet night, but it’s good to be in a town and off the roads.