Day 4 of Cascade Locks to Trout Lake

Ended last night with a beer, and started this morning with blueberry pancakes and bacon!

Trail Details

Brianna and I got our first views of Mount Adams and Mount Hood today. The peaks started popping up in the distance as we hiked, culminating in a perfect 360 view from the top of Huckleberry Mountain – Hood to the south and Adams to the north!

The climb up to Huckleberry mountain was a very steep .1 mile that was made even steeper when we took the trail down .1 instead of up. Catching a panoramic view of two 11,000-12,000ft mountains was well worth the climb.

Trail topography changed dramatically over the last few miles of today’s hike. The Indian Heaven Wilderness area has a valley of blackened 9,000-year-old volcanic rock that the PCT runs next to. On one side, we had mysterious volcanic caves housing an unknown number of evil creatures. On the other side, we had a purely pine tree forest where the allies of good resided in wait.

Tomorrow is our first taste of snow!

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