Let the adventure begin. Unfortunately, the tales of me going on Survivor have been greatly exaggerated. I did an in-person audition to go on the show, they just never called me. The whole audition experience left me feeling like I’d never have a real shot at going onto Survivor, I’m just not that interesting of a person. All the other people auditioning had emotional stories, the kind of thing TV producers and the American public eat up. Ironically, the most interesting thing about is my inclination to go adventuring, and that is what Brianna and I are actually doing for the next two months, the Ice Age Trail in Wisconsin!

Today was leg 1 of 2 travel days before we begin the hike on Tuesday, July 6th. We planned to load up and leave the farm by 0900 this morning and managed to actually be on the road by 1000, not bad for a party of six people in three vehicles; Penny & Curt, Brianna & Shauna, Rick & I. The drive up for me was very enjoyable, I pretty much slept until we arrived at the Rusty Spoke Brewery for lunch, then nodded off and on throughout the drive down US 2 to Escanaba.

We have two rustic sites at the Pioneer Trail Park in Escanaba tonight. It’s a huge homey feeling campground that has been surprisingly quiet.

IAT GEAR LIST – https://lighterpack.com/r/kka6yg